“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
-John 13:34
This was it; this was the last time that all the disciples would be together with Jesus before he was killed. After three years spent together in the trenches of ministry: serving, healing, teaching, feeding, etc. it led them all to this last evening together around a table celebrating the Passover Meal. The first disciples probably thought they learned everything they could from Jesus, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Maundy” is derived from the Latin word for command. On Maundy Thursday, the Thursday of Holy Week, Jesus did many new things:
1. He began the Passover meal by washing the feet of each of his disciples, which symbolized a service of friendship and a mutual sharing of gifts. In the foot washing, Jesus challenges his disciples to do the same for each other, and to see that they are all equal in the Kingdom; nobody is above or below in anyway.
2. He also instituted the sacrament of cup and bread. Could you imagine the first disciples hearing the words, “This is my body…this is my blood”? The reality and weight of his words would become all too real in just 24 short hours.
3. He told of a new gift – the Holy Spirit, who would be God’s presence after Jesus leaves.
4. Finally, he gave a new commandment, as stated above from John 13:34.
There is a kind of familial care in these last actions together – serving, feeding, teaching. A reminder of what the last three years were centered around and the call to continue the work. Jesus knows that his time is short, and so he desires to leave his disciples the essence of his life and his word: love one another. Serve one another. Feed one another. In those actions you will discover the very life of God, dwelling there with you, waiting to be discovered and celebrated.
This Last Supper was a foundational time of discipleship and sending out. Their next steps in ministry would involve first them and then you and me – ordinary people, showing God’s love in the world. Jesus used this night to equip his first disciples who had been in training for three years to continue their calls to proclaim and teach of God’s love to the rest of the world. They were unaware of what was about to take place in just a few hours, but as today’s disciples we know what is coming. They couldn’t fully understand what was happening, but it is important that we fully embrace what Jesus said and did on Maundy Thursday.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for your bold and radical witness in the world. Your life and work are still alive today when we commit ourselves to serve and love all people in your name. We ask for forgiveness when we fail to show others love because we miss being a reflection of you and your love. Thank you for being the ultimate example of love and service and may we pick up where you left off to share your love throughout our community and world. Amen.