My name is
Kate Smith...and I'm a foodie and I need your help. Not to stop - but I need your expertise of the West Chester area so be sure to check out the questions in the last paragraph. According to one of the most credible sources on
the interwebs, Wikipedia, a foodie can be defined as someone who seeks new food
experiences as a hobby rather than simply eating out of convenience or hunger. I think my identity as a foodie stems from a rule that we had on family
vacations: eat locally. This meant skipping national chains and opting for
"mom and pop" hole in the walls, greasy spoons, and establishments
that were unique to that area. This
guideline for harmonious travel has translated into my everyday life, my
mentality when I travel or visit new places, and even ministry.
Considering myself an adventurous type, I always like to explore what makes each place I live or visit unique. I actually get really excited finding stores, restaurants, and things to do that are distinctive to that area. It's taking the "back door" local approach rather than having the tourist mentality that has resulted in countless adventures and stories to share.
guideline for harmonious travel has translated into ministry because it is a
rule that we have followed and have even nicknamed it "local
cuisine". My favorite
story of implementing this local cuisine rule in ministry was this past December with
junior high students in Columbus. They didn't have the years of #localcuisine
experience my high school students did so they begged to go McDonald's or Penn Station.
I had to assure them that where we were going for dinner that night would be
better than their wildest dreams and certainly superior to McDonald's or Penn
Station. After learning about responsible gift giving and fair trade products
at the Global Village in Delaware, Ohio we ate at Amato's Woodfired Pizza. After dinner
one of the junior high boys came up to me afterward sheepishly and said that it
was the best pizza he had ever had (a local cuisine convert!). The next
morning, we walked to Buckeye Donuts, a regular haunt of OSU football coach Jim
Tressel. We passed by McDonald's and again I was asked to go there for
breakfast rather than this "lame surprise place". It only took two
meals, but I finally won them over, they agreed that eating at the local hole
in the wall, greasy spoon places while somewhere new was the way to go.

You and your small group are on, I would love to go with you all.
Thanks for the Aladdin's and Troy's Cafe suggestions. Keep them coming, I've been in a Mellow Mushroom rut (still local or unique to the area right?).
For ethnic Pho 96 or Brij Mohan Indian.
For a beautiful day explore Mariemont and eat outside at the Dilly Deli