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Showing posts from October, 2017

A Millennial’s Guide to Columbus

Outlook at Rising Park in Lancaster The allure of Columbus has been stirring in me since the first time I visited Easton as a senior in high school. It only grew stronger as I went through seminary at Methodist Theological School in Ohio . Thanks to my seminary education, I was able to explore the Southside of Columbus with the Church for All People , met up with many friends and classmates all around the city, and visited different places of worship thanks to an Interfaith exploration class. During this time, I always said “one day I’m going to live in Columbus.” Viola – that “one day” became a reality for two years. While the last two years in ministry was one for the books, so was my time in Columbus. Work hard, play hard. The balance is needed and over the last year, I made it a priority. Whether you live in Columbus or find yourself visiting, here is a list of some of the BEST things this city has to offer:   Apple picking at Lynd’s Fruit Farms ...

Top 10 Pieces at Peace

This month, I am celebrating ten years of serving in the local church. Ten years ago, I was so excited about the opportunity I was given to be working with students! That call only continued to grow focusing in the areas of discipleship, service with justice and compassion, and leadership.  However, my focus has always been divided. While serving at  Christ United Methodist Church  for 7 years, I was able to double as a full time undergraduate and graduate student. While at  Faith Community UMC , I explored a calling to serving as a senior pastor . While at Peace UMC, the focus was wide serving alongside people working with birth through 12 th  grade.  Peace United Methodist Church will forever be part of my story. There have been some amazing things that have happened in the life of the church and its ministries. So much has happened in the past two years, yet it seems like the time has gone so quickly. Another part of my story that definit...